Shop from our Fast Shipping Deals for same day shipping (within 24 hours of placing your order). These products are marked with the Fast Shipping icon. If you purchase one of our in-stock fast shipping products we will ensure that your new products purchase reaches your doorstep as fast as possible with our express courier partners.
Allow delivery within 3-7 working days when choosing from our full range of hair extensions. If a delay occurs, we will always inform you promptly via email so that you can keep track of your order. Be assured that our customer service team will quickly respond to make your shopping experience as efficient as possible.
MarketHairExtension is a leading independent retailer of the hair extensions since 2008, we are committed to offering the best hair products, MarketHairExtension has provided hundreds of customers with superior quality hair and won worldwide acclaims. We are very involved in the process of selecting great products that perform exceptionally well.